The area
in the rear section of the newly moved Legion Building will
be set up for use for museum exhibits including our area veterans.
Many of us attended the showing of a “crazy quilt” by Mary
Small of Colorado. The show was held on July 21, 2005 in the
Sanborn American Legion Post #969 hall. Sewn into the quilt
was a ribbon listing the names of 52 Sanborn Area men that
died while serving during the Civil War. Around the border
of the ribbon is stitched “Alexander Mabon G.A.R. (Grand Army
of the Republic) Post No. 125, Sanborn, NY”. That post was
the predecessor to Sanborn American Legion Post #969.

For the
last almost 10 years Mrs. Small has been researching the men
(she calls them her boys) listed on the ribbon to determine
where the family lived, how they died, where they were buried,
etc. After the show, before she left Sanborn she indicated
that she would donate the quilt to SAHS “after she was through
with it”. When she was recently told that SAHS owned the Legion
building and moved it to our Farm Museum and are in the process
of converting the building to a church at the front and a
museum including veteran’s exhibits in the rear, she offered
to donate the quilt to SAHS “when we were ready for it”. The
numerous pictures taken at the show and some of Mary’s research
information together with information provided by Bob Ayers,
a Civil War buff from Lockport who is in the process of writing
a book on the Civil War, will soon be on our web site (
Bob attended the 2005 show and recently indicated that he
would donate to SAHS, a picture of a scene of the Civil War.
What a fine way to start off our veteran’s exhibit area.